Il terzo disco di Groundislava, “Frozen Throne”, è uscito lo scorso 22 settembre via Friends Of Friends.
È ora on line il video per il brano “Girl Behind The Glass”: ambientazioni cyberpunk-inspired che potete rivivere e personalizzare in prima persona scaricando il giochino messovi a disposizione dal caro Jasper Patterson.
[quote style=”2″]“Coming down from a number of different substances, [the protagonist of Frozen Throne] recklessly wanders into the cyberpunk abyss of a futuristic metropolis before eventually finding his lost love. We came up with a sort of roller coaster of scenes and images that exist in a realm somewhere between the virtual and ‘IRL’ worlds within the story, with the interactive component of the ‘video’ placing the viewer in the ‘driver’s seat’ of said roller coaster.”[/quote]